

RadioButton Example

Select the type of installation you want to perform:

This option installs the features most typically used. Requires 1.2 MB disk space.

This option installs the minimum files required to run the product. Requires 350 KB disk space.

This option installs all features for the product. Requires 4.3 MB disk space.
@inherits ControlComponent
<p>Select the type of installation you want to perform:</p>

<asp.RadioButton @ref="this.radio1" Text="Typical" Checked="true" GroupName="RadioGroup1" />

<br />

This option installs the features most typically used.  <i>Requires 1.2 MB disk space.</i>

<br />

<asp.RadioButton @ref="this.radio2" Text="Compact" GroupName="RadioGroup1" />

<br />

This option installs the minimum files required to run the product.  <i>Requires 350 KB disk space.</i>

<br />

<asp.RadioButton @ref="this.radio3" Text="Full" GroupName="RadioGroup1" />

<br />

This option installs all features for the product.  <i>Requires 4.3 MB disk space.</i>

<br />

<asp.Button Text="Submit" OnClick="this.SubmitBtn_Click" />

<asp.Label @ref="this.label" FontBold="true" />

@code {
                                            private RadioButton radio1;
                                            private RadioButton radio2;
                                            private RadioButton radio3;
                                            private Label label;

                                            protected void SubmitBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                                            if (radio1.Checked)
            label.Text = "You selected " + radio1.Text;
                                            else if (radio2.Checked)
            label.Text = "You selected " + radio2.Text;
                                            else if (radio3.Checked)
            label.Text = "You selected " + radio3.Text;

RadioButton Metadata
Name Type Kind
AccessKey String Parameter
Attributes IReadOnlyDictionary Parameter
AutoPostBack Boolean Parameter
BackColor String Parameter
BorderColor String Parameter
BorderStyle BorderStyle Parameter
BorderWidth String Parameter
CausesValidation Boolean Parameter
Checked Boolean Parameter
ClientIDMode ClientIDMode Parameter
CssClass String Parameter
Enabled Boolean Parameter
FontBold Boolean Parameter
FontItalic Boolean Parameter
FontNames String Parameter
FontOverline Boolean Parameter
FontSize String Parameter
FontStrikeout Boolean Parameter
FontUnderline Boolean Parameter
ForeColor String Parameter
GroupName String Parameter
Height String Parameter
ID String Parameter
LabelMode LabelMode Parameter
Style String Parameter
TabIndex Int16 Parameter
Text String Parameter
TextAlign TextAlign Parameter
ToolTip String Parameter
ValidationGroup String Parameter
Visible Boolean Parameter
Width String Parameter
OnCheckedChanged EventHandler Event
OnDataBinding EventHandler Event
OnDisposed EventHandler Event
OnInit EventHandler Event
OnLoad EventHandler Event
OnPreRender EventHandler Event
OnUnload EventHandler Event
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