Panel Example
Panel: Here is some static content...
Generate Labels:
Generate TextBoxes:
@inherits ControlComponent
<asp.Panel @ref="this.panel"
Panel: Here is some static content...
<br />
<br />
Generate Labels:
<asp.DropDownList @ref="this.dropDown1">
<asp.ListItem Value="0">0</asp.ListItem>
<asp.ListItem Value="1">1</asp.ListItem>
<asp.ListItem Value="2">2</asp.ListItem>
<asp.ListItem Value="3">3</asp.ListItem>
<asp.ListItem Value="4">4</asp.ListItem>
<br />
Generate TextBoxes:
<asp.DropDownList @ref="this.dropDown2">
<asp.ListItem Value="0">0</asp.ListItem>
<asp.ListItem Value="1">1</asp.ListItem>
<asp.ListItem Value="2">2</asp.ListItem>
<asp.ListItem Value="3">3</asp.ListItem>
<asp.ListItem Value="4">4</asp.ListItem>
<br />
<asp.CheckBox @ref="this.checkBox" Text="Hide Panel" />
<br />
<asp.Button Text="Refresh Panel"
OnClick="this.ButtonClick" />
@code {
private Panel panel;
private DropDownList dropDown1;
private DropDownList dropDown2;
private CheckBox checkBox;
protected void ButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Show or hide the Panel contents.
if (checkBox.Checked)
panel.Visible = false;
panel.Visible = true;
// Remove the last time generated controls.
foreach (Control control in panel.Controls.Cast<Control>()
.Where(a => a is Label || a is TextBox || a is LiteralControl).ToArray())
// Generate the Label controls.
int numlabels = Int32.Parse(dropDown1.SelectedItem.Value);
for (int i = 1; i <= numlabels; i++)
Label label = new Label();
label.Text = "Label" + (i).ToString();
panel.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br />"));
// Generate the Textbox controls.
int numtexts = Int32.Parse(dropDown2.SelectedItem.Value);
for (int i = 1; i <= numtexts; i++)
TextBox textBox = new TextBox();
textBox.Text = "TextBox" + (i).ToString();
panel.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br />"));
Panel Metadata
Name | Type | Kind |
AccessKey | String | Parameter |
Attributes | IReadOnlyDictionary | Parameter |
BackColor | String | Parameter |
BackImageUrl | String | Parameter |
BorderColor | String | Parameter |
BorderStyle | BorderStyle | Parameter |
BorderWidth | String | Parameter |
ClientIDMode | ClientIDMode | Parameter |
CssClass | String | Parameter |
DefaultButton | String | Parameter |
Direction | ContentDirection | Parameter |
Enabled | Boolean | Parameter |
FontBold | Boolean | Parameter |
FontItalic | Boolean | Parameter |
FontNames | String | Parameter |
FontOverline | Boolean | Parameter |
FontSize | String | Parameter |
FontStrikeout | Boolean | Parameter |
FontUnderline | Boolean | Parameter |
ForeColor | String | Parameter |
GroupingText | String | Parameter |
Height | String | Parameter |
HorizontalAlign | HorizontalAlign | Parameter |
ID | String | Parameter |
ScrollBars | ScrollBars | Parameter |
Style | String | Parameter |
TabIndex | Int16 | Parameter |
ToolTip | String | Parameter |
Visible | Boolean | Parameter |
Width | String | Parameter |
Wrap | Boolean | Parameter |
OnDataBinding | EventHandler | Event |
OnDisposed | EventHandler | Event |
OnInit | EventHandler | Event |
OnLoad | EventHandler | Event |
OnPreRender | EventHandler | Event |
OnUnload | EventHandler | Event |