

Panel Example
Panel: Here is some static content...

Generate Labels:
Generate TextBoxes:

@inherits ControlComponent

<asp.Panel @ref="this.panel"
    Panel: Here is some static content...
                                            <br />

<br />

Generate Labels:
<asp.DropDownList @ref="this.dropDown1">
                                            <asp.ListItem Value="0">0</asp.ListItem>
                                            <asp.ListItem Value="1">1</asp.ListItem>
                                            <asp.ListItem Value="2">2</asp.ListItem>
                                            <asp.ListItem Value="3">3</asp.ListItem>
                                            <asp.ListItem Value="4">4</asp.ListItem>

<br />

Generate TextBoxes:
<asp.DropDownList @ref="this.dropDown2">
                                            <asp.ListItem Value="0">0</asp.ListItem>
                                            <asp.ListItem Value="1">1</asp.ListItem>
                                            <asp.ListItem Value="2">2</asp.ListItem>
                                            <asp.ListItem Value="3">3</asp.ListItem>
                                            <asp.ListItem Value="4">4</asp.ListItem>

<br />
<asp.CheckBox @ref="this.checkBox" Text="Hide Panel" />

<br />
<asp.Button Text="Refresh Panel"
                                            OnClick="this.ButtonClick" />

@code {
                                            private Panel panel;
                                            private DropDownList dropDown1;
                                            private DropDownList dropDown2;
                                            private CheckBox checkBox;

                                            protected void ButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
                                            // Show or hide the Panel contents.
                                            if (checkBox.Checked)
            panel.Visible = false;
            panel.Visible = true;
                                            // Remove the last time generated controls.
                                            foreach (Control control in panel.Controls.Cast<Control>()
            .Where(a => a is Label || a is TextBox || a is LiteralControl).ToArray())
                                            // Generate the Label controls.
                                            int numlabels = Int32.Parse(dropDown1.SelectedItem.Value);
                                            for (int i = 1; i <= numlabels; i++)
            Label label = new Label();
            label.Text = "Label" + (i).ToString();
            panel.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br />"));
                                            // Generate the Textbox controls.
                                            int numtexts = Int32.Parse(dropDown2.SelectedItem.Value);
                                            for (int i = 1; i <= numtexts; i++)
            TextBox textBox = new TextBox();
            textBox.Text = "TextBox" + (i).ToString();
            panel.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br />"));

Panel Metadata
Name Type Kind
AccessKey String Parameter
Attributes IReadOnlyDictionary Parameter
BackColor String Parameter
BackImageUrl String Parameter
BorderColor String Parameter
BorderStyle BorderStyle Parameter
BorderWidth String Parameter
ClientIDMode ClientIDMode Parameter
CssClass String Parameter
DefaultButton String Parameter
Direction ContentDirection Parameter
Enabled Boolean Parameter
FontBold Boolean Parameter
FontItalic Boolean Parameter
FontNames String Parameter
FontOverline Boolean Parameter
FontSize String Parameter
FontStrikeout Boolean Parameter
FontUnderline Boolean Parameter
ForeColor String Parameter
GroupingText String Parameter
Height String Parameter
HorizontalAlign HorizontalAlign Parameter
ID String Parameter
ScrollBars ScrollBars Parameter
Style String Parameter
TabIndex Int16 Parameter
ToolTip String Parameter
Visible Boolean Parameter
Width String Parameter
Wrap Boolean Parameter
OnDataBinding EventHandler Event
OnDisposed EventHandler Event
OnInit EventHandler Event
OnLoad EventHandler Event
OnPreRender EventHandler Event
OnUnload EventHandler Event
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